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Causes Dear to my Heart


Aside from my writing, I've long been involved in advocating for Arts and Education in Burbank and throughout the state of California. Recently appointed to the BURBANK CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION, I  am excited to work toward big-picture goals for beautifying and connecting my hometown and its diverse cultures and talented artists. A PTA Resolution that I co-authored in 2013 HOMEWORK: QUALITY OVER QUANTITY was unanimously approved at the 2014 California State PTA Convention and was adopted by the National PTA at the 2016 Convention in Orlando, Florida.  For ten years, I served on the Board of Directors for the BURBANK ARTS FOR ALL FOUNDATION (now the Burbank Arts & Education Foundation) and have been volunteering with my children for several years with BUILD A MIRACLE helping to build and furnish houses for needy families in a community outside Tijuana, Mexico.  I recently added Mental Health Advocacy to my mission through a writing project for FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY OF BURBANK. Most recently, I joined the Board of the BURBANK HUMAN RELATIONS COUNCIL. I'll use this space to share links and updates on these important projects and others that are near and dear to my heart.

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Burbank Arts and Education Foundation


The arts are a critical part of education, inspiring creativity, self-expression and communication.  But sadly, when budget cuts hit our schools, the arts are often the first thing that goes.  This Foundation is near and dear to my heart because the impact we've made in the past DECADE is seen at every one of Burbank's 17 main campuses and in nearly every classroom.  From 2006 - 2020, the Burbank Arts For All Foundation gave more than $750,000 in grants to support the integration of the arts into educating our children.  In 2020 we merged with the Burbank Educational Foundation to form BAEF and to take our collective 65+ years of connection to the Burbank community to make an even greater impact on students today and in the many years to come. Though I no longer serve on the Board, I will always support the value of arts in education..

Homework: Quality Over Quantity


The Homework Resolution that passed unanimously at the California State PTA Convention in 2014 was adopted by the National PTA at their annual convention in Orlando in 2016. We are continuing to advocate for effective guidelines and policies and professional development in local school districts that take into account the pressures on our children and the stress of too much homework on students and their families.  Our work is grounded in research and the wisdom of experts in the field of education and child psychology.  The conversations with students, teachers, parents and administrators have been compelling and it is clear we need to continue the dialogue.

Family Service Agency of Burbank


Since 1953, Family Service Agency has been renowned in the Burbank community as the leader in Mental Health Care, ambitious in extending services to students in all of Burbank’s Public Schools and providing quality and comprehensive support to people dealing with depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, bullying, verbal or physical harassment, grief, trauma, health issues, learning difficulties, relationship problems, drug or alcohol problems and any issue causing undue stress. FSA is a sounding board so people know they don’t have to go it alone, and FSA is a voice in education and advocacy on Mental Health issues. During their 65th Anniversary Year, I helped build awareness for their work with published stories, profile pieces, social media outreach and  discussions with elected officials.

© 2015 by Suzanne Weerts Proudly created with

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